Webinar – US 2020: What changes for Italy, November 11, 2020

Live broadcast from November 11, 2020

“Webinar US 2020: What changes for Italy?”

Meeting organised by the Eurispes’ Permanent Observatory on International Issues

The outcome of the 2020 US elections, as always, has an impact on international relations at global, regional and, of course, on relations with individual states. What are the possible scenarios for the development of transatlantic relations in general and Italian/US relations in particular over the next four years? Are we really facing a Copernican revolution in world governance?

These are some of the questions on which the debate organised by Eurispes’ Observatory on International Issues focused. The meeting took place on Wednesday November 11, 2020 from 15.30 to 16.30 via webinar.


Vincenzo Amendola, Minister for European Policies

Maurizio Molinari, Director la Repubblica

Giovanna Pancheri, SkyTG24 US Correspondent

Armando Varricchio, Italian Ambassador to Washington

The President of the Observatory, Amb. Giampiero Massolo, who will moderate the meeting, announces the initiative with a letter to readers published in our online magazine L’Eurispes.it

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