Webinar – University: the capital of the future, 06 April 2021

Eurispes has established the Permanent Observatory on Banks, Finance, Insurance (OBAF) as part of its activities. The decision to set up the OBAF Observatory starts from the importance of the financial insurance banking sector for developing our Country’s economy. The effects of the pandemic crisis will affect the process of rapid transformation that the industry is facing, accentuating some particular criticalities. It will also affect the restructuring processes of companies affected by the pandemic, but still vital.

The efficiency of the banking, insurance and financial system is a fundamental element to ensure the Country’s recovery and is one of the essential indexes for measuring the competitiveness of the Italian system. Using a metaphor, it is the juridical-economic “infrastructure” that will allow new development.

At the same time, the current socio-economic situation imposes the need to reshape the relationship between companies, consumers, and banking and insurance institutions to ensure transparency and adequate protection in a completely new scenario.

Finally, the economic and social effects of some “pathological” phenomena related to the banking, insurance and financial sectors, but which must be countered by the state, such as the hypertrophy of litigation and insurance fraud, cannot be underestimated.

In fact, both the adverse effects on citizens and civil and criminal justice workloads and the possible connections with organised crime are evident.

The Observatory is characterised by an interdisciplinary research method that combines legal, economic and social analysis with the experience and sensitivity to the “novum” typical of operators in the sector.

The Observatory also uses a Scientific Committee whose task is to define and deepen the lines of research development and whose composition highlights the multidisciplinary nature of the activities.

The first of the research projects selected by the Committee concerns the analysis of the phenomenon of Not Performing Loans in the light of the emergencies of the pandemic crisis, with particular regard to the solidity of the banking system, especially concerning smaller banks, to the social effects and economic aspects of non-performing loans, the relationship between banks and companies and assignees and the difficulties that the management and transfer of these loans generate in the restructuring processes of companies in crisis.

The second encounter online promoted as part of the activities of the Eurispes Laboratory on human capital.
Dialogue with:
Cristina Messa , Minister of University and Research
Mario Caligiuri , Coordinator of the Degree Course in Pedagogical Sciences of the University of Calabria
Giovanni Cannata , Rector Universitas Mercatorum
Laura Mazza , The Hub CEO
Benedetta Cosmi , journalist , writer and coordinator of the Laboratory
Greetings from the President of Eurispes, < strong> Gian Maria Fara
The intent of the Laboratory is to involve, through research activities, training and dissemination promoted by Eurispes, the entire “chain” of human capital by putting public and private realities in contact for a profound and shared reflection on the subject.
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