Single Mediterranean SEZ. Socio-economic, logistical and geopolitical factors


Single Mediterranean SEZ.

Socio-economic, logistical and geopolitical factors


Eurispes, in collaboration with the Permanent Forum of the Mediterranean and Black Sea and the Universitas Mercatorum, is promoting a conference that will be held on February 15 in Rome, from 10.30 a.m. to 1.30 p.m., at the Aula Magna of the Università Mercatorum in Piazza Mattei, 10.

The event will be organised in two sessions and will address the theme “Single Mediterranean SEZ. Socio-economic, logistical and geopolitical factors”.

The meeting intends to undertake the first multidisciplinary discussion on the Single SEZ, introduced by Decree-Law No. 124 of September 19, 2023, and on the factors relating to the effects of the special “economic” zone in the Mediterranean in order to foresee the socio-economic impacts on the communities concerned.

The aim is to stimulate dialogue between the institutions and communities of the “Three Shores” in order to facilitate coordinated and systemic responses in the policies required to activate virtuous mechanisms of cooperation to prepare national and European projects and plans.

The work programme and the list of speakers taking part in the initiative is available at</u

For access to the Hall it is necessary to register by sending an e-mail to


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