Results of the 2nd Report on Illicit Trade in Tobacco and E-cigs

A presentation of the “2nd Report on Illicit Trade in Tobacco and E-cigs” produced by Eurispes, in collaboration with the Agromafie Observatory Foundation and with the contribution of Philip Morris Italia, was held today at the Palazzo Rospigliosi Conference Center in Rome.
Speakers included: Vincenzo Gesmundo, Coldiretti Secretary General; Chiara Colosimo, President of the Anti-Mafia Parliamentary Commission; Gian Maria Fara, President of Eurispes; Gennarino Masiello, ONT President; Marco Hannappel, President and CEO of Philip Morris Italia; Alessandro Di Taranto, European Prosecutor (Eppo); Carlo Ricozzi, former General of Guardia di Finanza and Coordinator of the MACISTE Working Table; Francesco Greco, former Public Prosecutor of Milan and Europe Project Manager of the Agromafie Observatory Foundation; the closing remarks were given by Ettore Prandini, National President Coldiretti and of the Agromafie Observatory Foundation.
The summary of the results can be downloaded by clicking here, while the full Report is available by clicking here.