Intensify studies on the BRICS reality. Cooperation agreement Eurispes – University of Parma



Intensify studies on the BRICS reality

A collaboration agreement for joint scientific, cultural study initiatives on the topic of BRICS international coordination was signed on 23 April 2024 by the Director of the Department of Law, Political and International Studies (“Department of Excellence”) of the University of Parma , prof. Giovanni Francesco Basini and the President of EURISPES, prof. Gian Maria Fara.

The Agreement refers to and tends to enhance the considerable wealth of knowledge of analyzes and studies carried out so far by both institutions in the field of balanced and peaceful international development, the research and in-depth studies conducted on new emerging realities, among which a particular relevance has taken over the international coordination of the BRICS in recent years. To this end, the collaboration between the “BRICS Parma Research Group”, a legal observatory promoted by the University of Parma in 2011, coordinated by Professor Lucia Scaffardi, and the “BRICS Laboratory” promoted by the EURISPES in 2015 and coordinated by the Secretary General Marco Ricceri.

In an international scenario undergoing profound transformation, characterized by growing fragmentation and uncertainty, with widespread tensions and conflicts, and by the emergence of new protagonists in the processes of political and cultural confrontation, economic and social development, it is also an ethical duty of the scientific community, as explicitly recalled by the UN, to operate with adequate evaluation systems and thus contribute to strengthening the commitment of the Italian and international community to building conditions of balanced and widespread progress on the basis of an open and peaceful dialogue. The collaboration between the two BRICS Centres, of the University of Parma and EURISPES, also particularly enhances the active participation in common initiatives by numerous experts and academics from other Italian universities, analysis and study centers.

With this initiative, in particular, the Italian scientific reality takes on an important role also at an international level, taking into account the fact that, outside of the member countries of the international coordination, the main study and analysis centers of the BRICS reality are located in the United States (the “BRICLab”, promoted by the Center on Global Economy and Governance – CGEG of Columbia University, in New York), in Canada (the “BRICS Information Center of the University of Toronto); in Europe of particular importance are the structured project on the information and communication BRICS policies, “Media Systems in Flux: the Challenge of the BRICS Countries”, promoted in Finland by the University of Tampere and the annual sessions on the BRICS topic organized in context of the international conferences on the rise of Asia promoted in France by the Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne and Le Havre-Normandie Universities


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