Insurance, a legal handbook was published to help combat fraud. Introduction by the President of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara

The book “Antifrode assicurativa – Manuale giuridico per le Assicurazioni e le mutue” (Insurance Fraud – Legal Handbook for Insurance and Mutual Companies) (Rubbettino Editore) by Luigi Peyron, Gabriele Galeazzi and Andrea Strata has recently been published.
The volume comes from the authors’ desire to make their professional experience gained in the world of insurance and civil and criminal courts available to the reader. The handbook begins with an introduction by the President of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara, who emphasises that one of the many achievements of the authors is that they are part of a broader, and more difficult, commitment to ensuring the highest levels of legality in the fight against insurance fraud.
The intention of the authors, which is evident from the title, is to provide a tool both to those who are approaching this subject for the first time and to those who have been working in the world of insurance fraud for a long time and who can find in this handbook the answers to the many questions (also of a practical nature) that affect the operators in the sector every day. According to the authors, an effective fight against fraud requires, first of all, articulated and structured teamwork, in which the Company plays the important role of coordinating and monitoring the activity of its trustees (criminal and civil lawyers, experts, forensic doctors, investigators).