Immigration, exploitation, crime. Sociology between analysis and action. Eurispes at the meeting organised by the Sapienza University and Libera with the intervention of Marco Omizzolo

On Wednesday 13 March 2024, in Rome, at the Faculty of Political Science, Sociology, Communication in collaboration with ‘Libera. Associations, names and numbers against mafias’, a seminar will be held dedicated to the victims of the criminal exploitation of labour in the agro-industrial sector and to sociological forms of analysis and intervention. The event is hosted by the Chair of Sociology, held by Faculty Dean Tito Marci, who will introduce and moderate the proceedings. Speakers: Giovanna Gianturco, Sapienza CORIS, Marco Omizzolo, Eurispes, Giuseppe Ricotta, Sapienza DISSE, Paola Bozzao, Sapienza DISP, Gaetano Salvo, Libera.