Fight against illegal labour: Eurispes, Marco Omizzolo participates in the webinar organised by AIC
Today, Thursday November 5, at 4 p.m., the Facebook page @AIColtivatori will host an online conference dedicated to “The fight against illegal labour: security and legality as the foundation of decent work”.
Introducing the proceedings: Giuseppe Santoianni, President of the Italian Farmers’ Association, Alfonsina Amaduzzi, Manager of the Inail Insurance Supervision Office, Eleonora Tonnicchi, Vice-President Seminars and Conferences Elsa Roma.
Speakers: Marialuisa Gnecchi, Vice-President of INPS, sociologist and Eurispes researcher, Marco Omizzolo, ANMIL statistical expert, Franco D’Amico, and professor Roberto Pessi. The meeting will be moderated by journalist Marta Tartarini.
The Minister of Agriculture, Food and Forestry Policies, Teresa Bellanova, attends the meeting.