“Fermare le mafie con i soldi delle mafie” (Fighting mafias with mafias’ money), published by Rubbettino in the series dedicated to Eurispes studies the volume signed by lawyer Angelo Caliendo and Prof. Daniela Mainenti

Fighting mafias with mafias’ money
Mafias are a scourge that personally affects every member of society and not only those fighting them or those directly affected by the gangster methods of organised crime. Today, mafias make use of increasingly complex systems for processing, hiding and laundering the proceeds of criminal conduct. These assets are not only used to fuel crime but are in fact taken away from the community in terms of tax revenues, goods and services. We are, then, a long way from the old ‘coppola e lupara’ mafia. Based on these premises, the book edited by lawyer Angelo Caliendo and Professor Daniela Mainenti focuses on the regulatory interventions put in place to trace mafia wealth and assets, crucial strategies for taking assets away from crime and bringing them back into the legal circuit. “Fermare le mafie con i soldi delle mafie“, published by Rubbettino in the series dedicated to Eurispes studies, is presented as an essential guide to navigating through the plurality of sources that contribute to outlining the system of prevention of mafia menace. Moreover, the book offers insights and comparative points between Italy and the rest of Europe in anti-mafia asset prevention, given the transnational perspective characterising mafias’ activities today.
In addition to jurisprudential contributions, the text tackles the issue of the social reinvestment of assets confiscated from criminal organisations. This is a regulatory breakthrough that has set the pace in the fight against mafia power, especially in territorial control, but it requires an effective redistribution system to avoid invalidating legal achievements.
“Fighting the mafias with the mafias‘ money” is, in fact, an idea launched by the President of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara, when, a few years ago, he proposed to exploit and manage the immense wealth accumulated with managerial criteria by creating a real holding company organised and managed in close collaboration with the ANBSC and under the supervision of the anti-mafia judicial system.
The book is therefore aimed at a readership that includes students, technicians and legal operators, combining both study and operational updating purposes.
Gian Carlo Caselli writes in the preface to the volume: ‘The handbook represents an essential tool to deal with the confusion that can arise from having to deal with multiple sources involved in outlining the system of the prevention of mafia threats.”
The volume has taken into account the classical criminal law partitions and declined them in light of jurisprudential contributions. The work has succeeded in condensing the needs of both study and operational updating. Therefore, the outcome is as useful to the student wishing to acquire expertise as to an operator who wants to stay up-to-date. There is, in fact, a reasoned interpenetration of the institutional aspects with the application issues, grasping the essential core of the problems. In other words, the text, thanks to the outlined characteristics, is a valuable learning and operational tool.
As for the Authors’ final conclusions, they are undoubtedly suggestive and deserve, if anything, careful and profound reflection’.
At the same time, Magistrate Nicola Graziano points out in the introductory pages how: “Jurisprudence is constantly called upon to deal with numerous practical issues raised by the application of the institute. However, despite the quality and quantity of the contributions coming from doctrine and related jurisprudence, it has been considered both useful and interesting to attempt here – thanks to the analysis offered by the Authors – a synthesis of the institute’s evolution through a comprehensive and cross-cutting reformulation of some old but still relevant reconstructive-applicative problems raised by the institution”.
“Fermare le mafie con i soldi delle mafie” by Angelo Caliendo and Daniela Mainenti, Rubbettino Editore 2022, pp.240. Preface by Gian Carlo Caselli, introduction by Nicola Graziano.
Now available in bookshops and online: https://www.store.rubbettinoeditore.it/catalogo/fermare-le-mafie-con-i-soldi-delle-mafie/