Cybersecurity in public bodies and companies

On Friday 15 March 2024, at 09.30, a session entitled “Cybersecurity. Cybersecurity in public institutions and companies”. The meeting is promoted by Eurispes, the Autonomous Region of Sardinia and the IISTCG “Don Gavino Pes”. The meeting will be opened by the President of Eurispes, Gian Maria Fara. This will be followed by a message of welcome from the Mayor of Tempio Pausania, Gianni Addis. Introduction and coordination by Gerolamo Balata, Director and Secretary General of Eurispes Sardegna. Speeches will be given by Francesca Spampani, Director of the IISTCG “Don Gavino Pes”, Roberto De Vita, Lawyer and President of the Cybersecurity Observatory of Eurispes.