Conference “Against Labour Exploitation and undeclared work”.

Today, December 14, from 2.30 p.m. The conference  “Against Labour Exploitation and undeclared work” – Measures to combat it and presentation of the Nannicini-Ruotolo DDL 2404 will be held at the Sala del Parlamento of the Cnel.

The initiative will be attended by Tiziano Treu, President of the Cnel, Andrea Orlando, Minister of Labour and Social Policies, Tommaso Nannicini Senator. This will be followed by speeches by Claudio Lucifora, Cnel councillor, Michele Faioli, Cnel councillor, Bruno Giordano, Director of the National Labour Inspectorate, Chiara Gribaudo, MP. Eurispes will participate with a report by sociologist Marco Omizzolo.

Gianna Fracassi, vice-president of Cnel, will be moderating the conference.

The meeting can be followed live on the Cnel website and Youtube channel.

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