Webinar – Presentation of the book “Antifrode assicurativa – Manuale giuridico operativo per le assicurazioni e le mutue fraud prevention (Legal and Operational Handbook for Insurers and Mutual Societies)”, 16 March 2022

Wednesday 16 March 2022 from 16.00
Webinar mode

Presentation of the book “Antifrade assicurativa – Manuale giuridico operativo per le assicurazioni e le mutue (Insurance fraud prevention- Legal and Operational Handbook for Insurers and Mutual Societies)”, published by Rubbettino Editore in the series dedicated to studies, essays and research by Eurispes.



Opening remarks by:
Angelo Caliendo, Member of the Eurispes Board of Directors.

Speakers will attend the debate:
Antonio R. De Pascalis, Central Director of the IVASS Study and Data Management Service
Umberto Guidoni, Co-Director General of ANIA
Sergio Mattiuz, CEO of ANIA SAFE
Maurizio Vitale, Managing Director of WIT S.r.l.

Speakers include Luigi Peyron, Gabriele Galeazzi and Andrea Strata, authors of the book.

Conclusions by Nicola Graziano, Magistrate.

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